identify the activities which can be delayed without affecting the total float of preceding activity establish priorities identify the activities, which can be delayed without affecting the total float of succeeding activity identify the activities which can be delayed without affecting the total float of either the preceding or succeeding activities
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large and complex projects deterministic activities research and development projects small projects
refunded even before the completion of the work provided good progress has been established refunded when the contractor has completed the work refunded when the defect liability period of six months or one monsoon whichever is later is over retained till the expected life of the structure of say 100 years and spent for maintenance
retarding of some following activity delaying the overall project time both (a) and (b) none of the above
change of critical path decrease of project completion time increase of project completion time all of the above
resource smoothening updating critical path scheduling resource leveling
Activity arrows in a CPM network are drawn to scale The tail of an arrow represents the finish of an activity Arrow bead represents the start of an activity none of the above
foundation is being dug site located the invitations are being sent the office area is being cleaned
Earliest start of an activity is the early event time of the node it leaves Latest finish of an activity is the late event time of the node it enters Latest start of an activity is its latest finish minus its duration none of the above
Total float can be either start float or finish float Start float and finish float are always equal Start float and finish float are the differences between activity times and not event times. Start float and finish float need not be equal
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