the actual cost of construction of a structure the probable cost arrived at before commencement of the structure a random guess of the cost of the structure none of the above
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1% to 1.6% of R.C.C. volume 0.6% to 1.0% of R.C.C. volume 2% to 4% of R.C.C. volume 4% to 6% of R.C.C. volume
0.067 m³ 0.035 m³ 0.050 m³ 0.025 m³
specifications cover note progress chart none of the above
Stationery Postage Workman's compensation insurance etc None of the above
jambs posts tell-tale none of the above
amenities of workers travelling expenses interest on investment none of the above
Interest on investment Losses on advance Amenities to the labour Travelling expenses
contingencies work charged establishment service charges centage charges
a full dimensioned drawing to scale detailed specifications schedule of rates all the above
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